Using water wisely ensures that we continue to have a reliable and cost effective water supply in the future.

Use a broom to clean outdoor areas

Adjust sprinkler heads and fix leaks
节省了12-15 gallons 每次你浇水

Use mulch in your planters to reduce evaporation and keep the soil cool
每1000平方米节省20-30加仑. ft. 每次你浇水

Encourages deeper roots and saves 16-50 gallons per day

安装滴灌 & 添加一个智能洒水定时器
保存15 gallons 每天你浇水 & 每天节省24加仑

Plant California Friendly trees and plants
Saves 30-60 gallons per 1,000 sq. ft. 每天你浇水
加州人的平均使用量 每天196加仑的水. Here are some easy ways to reduce water use.


Wash full loads of clothes and dishes
Washer: 保存15-45 gallons per load
Dishwasher: Saves 5-15 gallons per load

Turn off water when brushing teeth or shaving
保存10 gallons per person per day

节省了12.5 gallons with a water efficient shower head per shower

Install a high-efficiency toilet
保存19 gallons per person per day

Landscape design and maintenance can and should be water efficient.
- Make sure your sprinkler system is functioning properly.
- Adjust your sprinkler schedule to match the season and the weather. 使用 推荐的浇水时间表 为指导.
- Use 滴灌 in planter areas.
- Cover bare soil with mulch to decrease evaporation and increase beautification.
- Water just before dawn for a healthy garden.
- 刮风的日子不要浇水. Wind blows water away from where it is needed.
- 将割草机叶片调高. Longer grass means less evaporation.
- Remove invasive plants from your garden. 它们损害了我们的环境.
- Reduce water-thirsty grass and replace with California-Friendly® plants.
- Take a Turf Removal Workshop - upcoming workshop dates to come
Water Efficient Demonstration Gardens
台面的水 hosts three water-efficient demonstration gardens that feature California-friendly landscaping and other water saving practices such as smart timers, 滴灌, 生物威尔士和护根物.
Your water meter is usually located between the sidewalk and curb under a cement cover. The meter reads straight across, like the odometer on your car. Read only the white numbers (0895). If you are trying to determine if you have a leak, turn off all the water in your home, 室内和室外水龙头, and then check the dial for any movement of the low-flow indicator. If there is movement, that indicates a possible leak between the meter and your plumbing system.
- 低流量指示器 – will spin if any water is flowing through the meter.
- 扫的手 – Each full revolution indicates that one cubic foot of water (7.48 gallons) has passed through the meter. The markings at the outer edge of the dial indicate tenths and hundredths of one cubic foot.
- 计注册 – Similar to the odometer on your car. The numbers keep a running total of all the water that passes through the meter. It indicates the cubic feet of water that has passed through the meter.
This is the Metropolitan Water District's conservation website – it’s a great resource for tips, 退税, and recommended California-friendly plants!
The residential water calculator can estimate your daily and annual water use. Compare your estimated water use against an average home versus an efficient home in your region.
推荐十大正规网赌平台 is a statewide partnership between the Association of California Water Agencies and the California Department of Water Resources aimed at helping Californians reduce their everyday water use.